We offer irrigation services in Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, TX, and nearby communities.
Our team provides irrigation repairs and system checkups.
Your irrigation system needs routine maintenance to maintain its peak operating capacity. Whether it's a broken pipe or routine monitoring during the year, it's important to have professionals look after your irrigation system so the job is done right. For your irrigation system's upkeep needs, we have you covered! Our team at CitiTurf offers professional irrigation services to residential property owners in Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, Murphy, TX, and surrounding communities. We provide irrigation repair services to repair issues with your system and irrigation system checkups so we can stay on top of its current condition. Give our team a call today at 972-516-0001 to sign up for any of our irrigation services!
Irrigation Repairs
Our irrigation repair service will address issues on your irrigation system to keep it operating at peak capacity. When you sign up for this service, we will start the process by thoroughly inspecting your irrigation system. This step is important to ensure we pinpoint the root of the issue and perform the appropriate repair to get it up and running again.
At CitiTurf, we have the skill and experience to repair a wide range of issues on your irrigation system! Some of the parts we usually repair include pumps, timers, valves, pipes, controllers, backflow preventers, rain sensors, sprinkler heads and nozzles, fittings, and more. If the issue is a cut cable, we have wire locators so we can identify the problem easily. We'll make sure your irrigation system is in top shape again to deliver the water your plants need to thrive.
Irrigation System Checkup
Our team offers an irrigation system checkup service to determine the overall condition of your system. This service involves a thorough process of inspecting your system and checking every component to ensure everything is working as it should be. Our process starts with running through all the irrigation zones to determine if every zone is getting the correct amount of water. If we find that some zones aren't getting enough water or getting too much water, we can recalibrate your system to even out the water distribution.
We'll also adjust the nozzles if there is anything out of alignment. As we adjust the nozzles, our team will make sure they are directed at the right angle for optimal water coverage. Our checkups also include programming the controller according to the schedule for the specific irrigation zone. This way, your lawn and landscape plants get the right amount of water according to their needs.
View Irrigation System Checkup
Call us today to sign up for our irrigation repair and checkup services!
Handling your irrigation system should be left in the hands of skilled experts. That's why we're here. Our team at CitiTurf offers our irrigation repair and checkup services to residential properties in Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, Murphy, and nearby communities in Texas. We carry the appropriate irrigation licenses to carry out the services we offer, so you can be confident that we are adhering to top-quality standards. Our experts have been providing our irrigation services since 2005, and we have the experience to get the job done right the first time! Give us a call today at 972-516-0001 to sign up for our irrigation services.