Replenishing the mulch in your landscape beds when it is starting to look lackluster is essential to their visual appeal and your plants' health. However, this will now beg the question—should you remove the old mulch? It's not necessary to remove the old mulch from your landscape beds in Texas, as it is organic matter that will decompose and release beneficial nutrients into the soil. However, when replenishing mulch, you'll want to ensure the thickness of the layer is not more than 3 inches. In this case, you'll want to remove some of the old layer to ensure you achieve this thickness after adding new mulch on top of it. This way, you get the ideal mulch layer that is thick enough to keep your plants healthy and your landscape beds pristine! It's also best to hire professionals to do the job because they know how much mulch to use and how to install it correctly to yield the best results!

It's not necessary to remove old mulch before adding a new layer, as it will decompose eventually.

If you think your landscape beds are up for mulch replenishment and are wondering if you should remove the old layer of mulch, the short answer is no. You don't have to remove the old mulch in your landscape because it is organic matter that will break down and decompose eventually. Because of this, you can get away with simply adding fresh, new mulch on top!

Letting your old mulch decompose is also good for your plants. It will release beneficial nutrients back into the soil that your plants can use to fortify their growth! When you remove your old mulch all at once before putting down a new layer, your plants will miss out on the added nutrition they can get from it.

When replenishing mulch, it's fine to remove some of the old layer to achieve ideal thickness.

Tree with a mulched bed on a lawn in Plano, TX.

It's not necessary to clear out old mulch from your landscape beds, but you still want to monitor how thick the old layer is before putting down a new one. That's because there is an ideal thickness of mulch that you should observe to get good results for your landscape's health and appearance. Your landscape's mulch ground cover should not exceed a thickness of 3 inches.

If you're going to be replenishing it with new mulch and will exceed this thickness, that would be the time to remove some of the old mulch! This way, some of the decomposing, old mulch will still be able to recycle nutrients into the soil for your plants while ensuring the majority of your ground cover is fresh to keep your landscape looking great. Adding too much mulch will also be problematic because you risk suffocating your plants, while insufficient mulch will be futile.

Hire professionals to replenish your mulch to ensure the job is done right.

Adding mulch to your landscape beds sounds easy, but it's also just as easy to do it wrong. It's also a very important maintenance task for your landscape, so it's best done by professionals so you can be confident the job is done correctly! Landscape professionals are experienced and knowledgeable to determine how much mulch to use for your landscape beds. This way, your landscape beds would not be covered in a mountain of mulch or look too bare.

During installation, experts are trained to spread mulch with precision. They'll ensure the mulch is applied evenly to provide enough cover for your plants to protect them from harsh temperatures, combat soil erosion, prevent weed growth, and maintain optimal soil moisture.

Hiring professionals means you get a selection of mulch options to choose from to create the perfect aesthetic for your landscape!

Call us today to sign up for our mulch installation service!

Our team at CitiTurf offers our mulch installation service to residential property owners in and around Plano, Allen, Frisco, and McKinney, TX. We provide different mulch options and will help you choose the best one for your landscape! When we install mulch, our team does so with your plants' health in mind, which means installing the right thickness and providing a sufficient gap around the base of your plants to prevent suffocation and rotting. Call us today at 972-516-0001 to sign up for our mulch installation service!