In Texas, weeds can be a major problem for homeowners because they can drag down the curb appeal of their lawns and steal nutrients from their grass and plants. If you've been dealing with weeds on your property in Texas, there are two main ways to get rid of them: pre-emergent weed control treatments and post-emergent weed control treatments. But, do you really need both? To put it plainly, yes! Pre-emergent weed control treatments will help prevent weeds from sprouting while post-emergent treatments will eliminate existing weeds on your lawn. While both of these treatments are effective in their own ways, you'll need both to make controlling weeds on your lawn easy.
Pre-emergent weed control treatments will help to prevent weeds from sprouting.
When it comes to controlling weeds, the best way to do so is to stop them before they ever get the chance to sprout. That's where pre-emergent weed control treatments come in. Pre-emergent treatments work by creating a barrier on the soil that newly germinated weeds can't penetrate. When these newly germinated weeds contact this barrier, they are stopped and will die underground, so you'll never even see them! This type of weed control treatment should be applied in the spring because that's when a lot of weed seeds will be getting ready to sprout.
Post-emergent weed control treatments will eliminate existing weeds on your lawn.
While pre-emergent weed control treatments are very effective, they don't work on existing weeds or weeds that were already past a certain point in their life cycle. To take care of the existing weeds on your lawn, you'll need to use post-emergent weed control treatments. You'll want to apply post-emergent treatments throughout the year to take care of any weeds on your lawn in order to keep your property weed-free.
Weed control treatments can help your lawn make the most out of fertilizer treatments because there will be no weeds left to steal the nutrients intended for your grass.
To truly achieve a weed-free lawn, you'll need to use both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments.
Weeds can be extremely resilient, and you will need to constantly stay on top of them to control their growth. If you want to achieve a weed-free lawn, you will need to use both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments. You will want to start out with pre-emergent weed control treatments to get a head start on preventing weeds so that you can stop a majority of them from ever sprouting in the first place. Then, you will want to apply post-emergent weed control treatments multiple times throughout the rest of the year to tackle any weeds that pop up. By utilizing both of these weed control treatments, you can get the weed-free lawn that you want!
Let us take care of your weeds for you. Give us a call today to sign up for our weed control service.
At CitiTurf, we pride ourselves on combatting pesky, nutrient-stealing weeds. We know that a weed-free lawn will be in a great position to thrive and we want to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams. We offer a weed control program that consists of both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments, and we will apply our treatments 8 times throughout the year to help you achieve a weed-free lawn. Our weed control service is available to homeowners in Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, Murphy, TX and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at 972-516-0001 to sign up for our weed control service. We look forward to working with you to help you get a beautiful, weed-free lawn!