Landscaping, lawn care and gardening are deemed the slowest of the architecture and design arts – after all, you can’t rush the growth of a tree. But, just like fashion and interior decoration, landscaping and lawn care do benefit yearly from makeovers and innovative ideas that soon turn into trends. Some people may wonder what can be new in terms of lawn maintenance or landscaping architecture, but our lawn care McKinney, TX experts have identified plenty of such trends and new perspectives related to this form of art. Among all, they picked their three most favorite ones, as they build upon some good practices and ideas our specialists already used or presented to our readers. Let’s see today, then, three interesting outdoor design trends to look out for this year!
1. Raw, Natural and Retro Outdoor Hardscapes
Outdoor living spaces are nothing new, but this year we observe a significant increase in their popularity. But this year outdoor living spaces, furniture, and hardscapes seem to want a facelift by returning to a more natural look. According to some Texas designers, people seem to favor less modern and minimalist designs when it comes to structures and furniture and adopting a more authentic approach. The use of swing chairs, railway ties, free-form decks, and smaller outdoor furniture are just the tip of the iceberg. Unless the landscape is a truly minimalistic and post-modern one, homeowners seem to be more interested in natural materials like stone, sun-dried styles, and wood to revamp their landscapes.
2. Naturescaping
Also known as “hyperlocalism”, naturescaping is an approach to lawn care we have discussed before. Basically, it means replacing traditional lawns and turfs with locally sourced grasses and vegetation endemic to a particular area and native to a specific ecosystem. By planting more than native vegetation – endemic one for that matter – landscape architects and lawn care McKinney, TX specialists prove they are environmentally aware and truly concerned about the ecological impact of traditional turfs.
While we witness climate changes first hand that are specific to each region of the country, the issues of fertilizers, herbicides, pest-control substances, and scarcity of water resources cannot be ignored. Endemic vegetation needs little to no such enhancements while requesting fewer water resources to stay healthy and thriving. Regional design seems to be heavily trending now, especially because endemic vegetation also allows the thriving of local ecosystems and the introduction of local insects, birds and butterflies.
3. Sustainable and Tech-Centric Irrigation
The Internet of Things is now possible even when it comes to watering your lawn and garden. Smart irrigation systems you can fully control via a smartphone app are the big next thing in lawn care and landscaping say our lawn care McKinney, TX specialists. Water conservation is not a whim, but a necessity and hi-tech irrigation systems cover many issues. You can control your watering system through an app while you are on vacation or you can alert your lawn care McKinney, TX company to check on your irrigation system while you are away as the app notifies you about possible leaks. Sustainable and tech-based gardening brings the future closer to us and helps us enjoy beautiful and healthy lawns and gardens without wasting resources.
There are other trends in lawn care this year and if you want to learn more, ask your local lawn care McKinney, TX team to walk you through them and maybe implement some of them on your property.